Feature Documentary (Coming Soon)
In the isolated mountains of South Sulawesi, can be found Toraja. Its native animist belief system, Aluk To Dolo (Way of the Ancestors), has provided its people with a unique cultural identity and distinctive rituals. Since the arrival of Christian missionaries in 1908 and the near total conversion of the population, the survival of this ancient oral tradition is threatened. Ne Minda, one of the last living spiritual leaders of Aluk To Dolo, lives a humble existence carrying out domestic rituals with his daughter and grandchildren. Through this family dynamic, ALUK will explore the inter-generational transmission of cultural knowledge and the inevitable transformation of the Torajan identity in the modern world. ALUK will observe Aluk To Dolo’s sacred connection to Toraja’s natural environment and ancestry, as well as the Torajan people's singular approach to life and death.
Director: Chris Cochrane-Friedrich
Producer: Sam Hewison
Cinematography: John Hewison
Sound Design/Recording: Josh Peters
Learn more here.